2152A Harold Frank Hall
UC Santa Barbara
Email: vivek [AT] cs.ucsb.edu
My research interest span the areas of deep reinforcement learning (RL), networked system design, and performance analysis. I focused on building RL-based self-driving wireless network management system for quality of experience (QoE) optimization. In the past, I built non-traditional networking systems for challenged environments, with an emphasis on optimizing QoE on mobile broadband. I developed Lumos and Edain, two robust and scalable systems that accurately predict congestion and overload in LTE and 5G networks using only passive measurements. The applicability of these systems spans from independent network assessment to autonomous capacity planning.
I received my PhD in Computer Science from UC Santa Barbara where I worked in MOMENT Lab, advised by Prof. Elizabeth Belding.
“I… a universe of atoms, an atom in the universe.”
– Richard P. Feynman

20 October 2022
Our paper “SmartNICs at Edge for Transient Compute Elasticity” was accepted to DistributedML 2022

10 July 2022
My thesis titled “Autonomous and Predictive Systems to Enhance the Performance of Resilient Networks“ is available here.

08 July 2022
Successfully defended my thesis!

19 February 2021
Excited to have our work featured in CNET. Mapping cellular coverage is more nuanced than can be inferred from inaccurate FCC Broadband Maps, and has major implications for Internet access for millions of Americans. Our work takes a step towards fixing this. You can find the article here.

10 January 2021
Our work on “Estimation of Congestion from Cellular Walled Gardens using Passive Measurements” was accepted to IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.

18 December 2020
Our paper “Too Late for Playback: Estimation of Video Stream Quality in Rural and Urban Contexts” was accepted to PAM 2021

25 September 2020
Excited to report that I won the “Best in Class” competition amongst 400 other incredibly talented interns at HPE. We worked on SARAS, a scalable platform for offloading network dependent applications at the edge using SmartNICs.
You can find the blogpost here.

15 June 2020
Excited to be spending the summer with the Networked Systems Group at HP Labs.

13 February 2020
Gave an invited talk at Google (NetInfra) about our ongoing research. Slide deck here.

11 January 2020
Our paper “#Outage: Detecting Power and Communication Outages from Social Networks” was accepted to WWW 2020 (Taipei, Taiwan)

03 November 2019
I will be attending the 10th FOKUS FUSECO Forum in Berlin from November 7-8. Come say hi!

13 October 2019
Our work on “Evaluating LTE Coverage and Quality from an Unmanned Aircraft System” was accepted to IEEE MASS 2019 (Monterey, California)

19 September 2019
Our poster presentation “Towards Robust Evaluation of LTE Coverage and Quality using Unmanned Aircraft System” was accepted to IMC 2019 (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

09 September 2019
Successfully advanced to candidacy!

24 July 2019
Our paper “Packet-level Congestion Estimation in LTE Networks using Passive Measurements” was accepted to IMC 2019 (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

27 May 2019
Excited to announce that MOMENT lab will be traveling to New Mexico to undertake an extensive measurement campaign in and around American Indian reservations.

04 May 2019
Our paper “MPTCP Performance over Heterogeneous Subpaths” was accepted to IEEE ICCCN 2019 (Valencia, Spain)

24 February 2019
MOMENT lab will be traveling to HotMobile 2019 in the beautiful city of Santa Cruz, California. See you there!

Internet Measurement conference (IMC '19)
Presenting our work on estimating overload in congested LTE networks using just passive measurements from off-the-shelf networking gear. Glad to report that our work received a lot of support from the networking community.

NEW MExico Trip
(May-June 2019)
A team of 4 PhD students from UCSB carried out an extensive measurement campaign to ascertain the quality and coverage of mobile broadband on tribal lands near Santa Fe, New Mexico. (Photo by Michael Nekrasov)
but experiment with other forms occasionally.
I have been lucky to visit several countries in Asia, Europe, North America and Africa. Check out some of my travel photography.